***************** * TiLP * * Linux version * ***************** REQUIREMENTS ------------ - A UNIX computer or workstation and a C compiler (gcc) for the Linux version - X11 (X Window System) - GTK+ 2.x (http://www.gtk.org) - libcalccables, libcalcconv, libcalcfiles and libcalcprotocols - the libusb library to use the SilverLink cable (TI-GRAPH LINK USB). INSTALLATION ------------ At first, you must have the CalcForge libraries (libcalccables, libcalcconv, libcalcfiles and libcalcprotocols) installed. See the documentation of these libraries for the installation procedure. Untar the tilp-X.XX.tar.gz archive (tar -xvzf), change directory to tilp directory. Type "./configure" or "./configure --enable-exit-homedir". If you are a single user and you want be able to move in your filesystem, then choose the second option. But, for security reasons, you should prefer the normal method. Type "make", "make install" (requires the root privileges). USAGE ----- Type 'tilp' for using it. A manpage is available by 'man tilp'. A user's manual is available in the doc/manual directory or from TiLP. AVAILABILITY ------------ https://www.calcforge.org/trac/calcforgelp/ COPYRIGHT --------- TiLP is Copyright (C) 1999-2005 by the TiLP team Copying is allowed under the terms of GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for more details. THANKS ------ See the THANKS file, please. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please report any bugs, questions, ... (please give us your platform, your calculator type (with ROM version) and your link cable model). The TiLP team