20. Problems & Bugs

There are several ways to get in touch if you encounter a problem with TiLP or if you have questions, suggestions, bug reports, etc.

If you have general questions or problems, please consider the users'
mailing list first.
If you want to discuss TiLP, you can use the TiLP
If you want to contribute to the TiLP project, there is a developer's
mailing list.
For bug reports, use the
'Bug Tracking System' (BTS).

20.1 Questions

Please read all documentation carefully before sending a post. Most people do not take time enough to carefully read the documentation. If you are sure that your question is not answered in any of these docs, then post.

The TiLP team will not reply to questions which are already answered in those docs !

20.2 Bugs

Most of bug reports I receive do not contain enough informations (because people do not read documentation before mailing). I often have to ask for subsequent information which is not very efficient for me and takes more time for you.

A bug report should always contain the following information :
- platform type: Windows (98, NT4, ...), Linux (which distribution, which kernel, is devfs running, etc.)
- calculator type (TI89, HW1, HW2, ...)
- cable type
and port (COM1, LPT1, USB, etc.),
- TiLP framework version and TiLP version
- [Linux]: TiLP displays much information at startup. You have 2 ways for sending them to me. Either launch TiLP by 'tilp >& log' and send/post the log file, or send/post the '$HOME/tilp.console' file.
- [Win32]: you will have to enable the console first. Open the 'tilp.ini' file and change 'console=no' to 'console=yes'. Launch TiLP and send/post the 'C:\console.log' file.

If you have more information, you are welcome to send it! You can send screen captures, too, just don't exceed 100 Kbytes.