For a more recent method, see the TiLP/build/mingw folder. Original file: Build Environment 050215.txt ==================[cut here]====================================== This is a new method, greatly simplified by the latest GTK+ package. Win32 ----- 1°) Below, you will find a methodology which is common to: - libtifiles, libticables, libticalcs - tilp - tiemu You should strictly follow it else you will encounter some (very) weird stuffs ! 2°) Well, let get's us: - get MinGW & MSys from and install them. You can merge both folders if you want but this is strongly discouraged by MinGW team. This was my way until I discover Tor Lillqvist' method (GiMP for Win32) with a separate /target folder. I assume you installed MinGW as C:\MinGW and MSys as C:\MSys (without 1.0 path). - get and install it. Don't forget to register Msys environnement when the installer ask you. - create a MSys\target folder. Compiled packages will be installed into. - do an 'export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/target/lib/pkgconfig' or make changes in your MSys\etc\profile for example. 3°) To compile TiLP framework, TiLP and/or TiEmu, do the following: - ticables, tifiles, ticalcs: ./configure --prefix=/target --disable-nls - tilp: ./configure --prefix=/target --disable-nls - tiemu: ./configure --prefix=/target --disable-nls Tested with TiLP & TiEmu, 15/02/05. Linux (cross) ------------- To re-do ... Tested with xxxx, ??/??/05. --- Romain Liévin (The TiLP Team leader).