/* Serial interface for TCP connections on MingW Windows systems Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GDB. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "defs.h" #include "serial.h" #include "ser-mingw.h" #include #include #include #include "gdb_string.h" #include "event-loop.h" /* this is a quick hack stolen from rdi-share/hostchan.c */ void gettimeofday( struct timeval *time_now, void *dummy ) { time_t t = clock(); time_now->tv_sec = t/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; time_now->tv_usec = (t%CLOCKS_PER_SEC)*(1000000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } static int do_mingw_readchar (struct serial *scb, int timeout); static timer_handler_func push_event; static handler_func fd_event; static void reschedule (struct serial *scb); /* Generic operations used by all UNIX/FD based serial interfaces. */ serial_ttystate ser_mingw_nop_get_tty_state (struct serial *scb) { /* allocate a dummy */ return (serial_ttystate) XMALLOC (int); } int ser_mingw_nop_set_tty_state (struct serial *scb, serial_ttystate ttystate) { return 0; } void ser_mingw_nop_raw (struct serial *scb) { return; /* Always in raw mode */ } /* Wait for input on scb, with timeout seconds. Returns 0 on success, otherwise SERIAL_TIMEOUT or SERIAL_ERROR. */ int ser_mingw_wait_for (struct serial *scb, int timeout) { while (1) { int numfds; struct timeval tv; fd_set readfds, exceptfds; /* NOTE: Some OS's can scramble the READFDS when the select() call fails (ex the kernel with Red Hat 5.2). Initialize all arguments before each call. */ tv.tv_sec = timeout; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO (&readfds); FD_ZERO (&exceptfds); FD_SET (scb->fd, &readfds); FD_SET (scb->fd, &exceptfds); if (timeout >= 0) numfds = select (scb->fd + 1, &readfds, 0, &exceptfds, &tv); else numfds = select (scb->fd + 1, &readfds, 0, &exceptfds, 0); if (numfds <= 0) { if (numfds == 0) return SERIAL_TIMEOUT; else if (errno == EINTR) continue; else return SERIAL_ERROR; /* Got an error from select or poll */ } return 0; } } /* Read a character with user-specified timeout. TIMEOUT is number of seconds to wait, or -1 to wait forever. Use timeout of 0 to effect a poll. Returns char if successful. Returns -2 if timeout expired, EOF if line dropped dead, or -3 for any other error (see errno in that case). */ static int do_mingw_readchar (struct serial *scb, int timeout) { int status; int delta; /* We have to be able to keep the GUI alive here, so we break the original timeout into steps of 1 second, running the "keep the GUI alive" hook each time through the loop. Also, timeout = 0 means to poll, so we just set the delta to 0, so we will only go through the loop once. */ delta = (timeout == 0 ? 0 : 1); while (1) { /* N.B. The UI may destroy our world (for instance by calling remote_stop,) in which case we want to get out of here as quickly as possible. It is not safe to touch scb, since someone else might have freed it. The ui_loop_hook signals that we should exit by returning 1. */ if (deprecated_ui_loop_hook) { if (deprecated_ui_loop_hook (0)) return SERIAL_TIMEOUT; } status = ser_mingw_wait_for (scb, delta); if (timeout > 0) timeout -= delta; /* If we got a character or an error back from wait_for, then we can break from the loop before the timeout is completed. */ if (status != SERIAL_TIMEOUT) { break; } /* If we have exhausted the original timeout, then generate a SERIAL_TIMEOUT, and pass it out of the loop. */ else if (timeout == 0) { status = SERIAL_TIMEOUT; break; } } if (status < 0) return status; while (1) { status = recv (scb->fd, scb->buf, BUFSIZ, 0); if (status != -1 || errno != EINTR) break; } if (status <= 0) { if (status == 0) return SERIAL_TIMEOUT; /* 0 chars means timeout [may need to distinguish between EOF & timeouts someday] */ else return SERIAL_ERROR; /* Got an error from read */ } scb->bufcnt = status; scb->bufcnt--; scb->bufp = scb->buf; return *scb->bufp++; } /* Perform operations common to both old and new readchar. */ /* Return the next character from the input FIFO. If the FIFO is empty, call the SERIAL specific routine to try and read in more characters. Initially data from the input FIFO is returned (fd_event() pre-reads the input into that FIFO. Once that has been emptied, further data is obtained by polling the input FD using the device specific readchar() function. Note: reschedule() is called after every read. This is because there is no guarentee that the lower level fd_event() poll_event() code (which also calls reschedule()) will be called. */ static int generic_readchar (struct serial *scb, int timeout, int (do_readchar) (struct serial *scb, int timeout)) { int ch; if (scb->bufcnt > 0) { ch = *scb->bufp; scb->bufcnt--; scb->bufp++; } else if (scb->bufcnt < 0) { /* Some errors/eof are are sticky. */ ch = scb->bufcnt; } else { ch = do_readchar (scb, timeout); if (ch < 0) { switch ((enum serial_rc) ch) { case SERIAL_EOF: case SERIAL_ERROR: /* Make the error/eof stick. */ scb->bufcnt = ch; break; case SERIAL_TIMEOUT: scb->bufcnt = 0; break; } } } reschedule (scb); return ch; } int ser_mingw_readchar (struct serial *scb, int timeout) { return generic_readchar (scb, timeout, do_mingw_readchar); } int ser_mingw_nop_noflush_set_tty_state (struct serial *scb, serial_ttystate new_ttystate, serial_ttystate old_ttystate) { return 0; } void ser_mingw_nop_print_tty_state (struct serial *scb, serial_ttystate ttystate, struct ui_file *stream) { /* Nothing to print. */ return; } int ser_mingw_nop_setbaudrate (struct serial *scb, int rate) { return 0; /* Never fails! */ } int ser_mingw_nop_setstopbits (struct serial *scb, int num) { return 0; /* Never fails! */ } int ser_mingw_write (struct serial *scb, const char *str, int len) { int cc; while (len > 0) { cc = send (scb->fd, str, len, 0); if (cc < 0) return 1; len -= cc; str += cc; } return 0; } int ser_mingw_nop_flush_output (struct serial *scb) { return 0; } int ser_mingw_flush_input (struct serial *scb) { if (scb->bufcnt >= 0) { scb->bufcnt = 0; scb->bufp = scb->buf; return 0; } else return SERIAL_ERROR; } int ser_mingw_nop_send_break (struct serial *scb) { return 0; } int ser_mingw_nop_drain_output (struct serial *scb) { return 0; } /* Event handling for ASYNC serial code. At any time the SERIAL device either: has an empty FIFO and is waiting on a FD event; or has a non-empty FIFO/error condition and is constantly scheduling timer events. ASYNC only stops pestering its client when it is de-async'ed or it is told to go away. */ /* Value of scb->async_state: */ enum { /* >= 0 (TIMER_SCHEDULED) */ /* The ID of the currently scheduled timer event. This state is rarely encountered. Timer events are one-off so as soon as the event is delivered the state is shanged to NOTHING_SCHEDULED. */ FD_SCHEDULED = -1, /* The fd_event() handler is scheduled. It is called when ever the file descriptor becomes ready. */ NOTHING_SCHEDULED = -2 /* Either no task is scheduled (just going into ASYNC mode) or a timer event has just gone off and the current state has been forced into nothing scheduled. */ }; /* Identify and schedule the next ASYNC task based on scb->async_state and scb->buf* (the input FIFO). A state machine is used to avoid the need to make redundant calls into the event-loop - the next scheduled task is only changed when needed. */ static void reschedule (struct serial *scb) { if (serial_is_async_p (scb)) { int next_state; switch (scb->async_state) { case FD_SCHEDULED: if (scb->bufcnt == 0) next_state = FD_SCHEDULED; else { delete_file_handler (scb->fd); next_state = create_timer (0, push_event, scb); } break; case NOTHING_SCHEDULED: if (scb->bufcnt == 0) { add_file_handler (scb->fd, fd_event, scb); next_state = FD_SCHEDULED; } else { next_state = create_timer (0, push_event, scb); } break; default: /* TIMER SCHEDULED */ if (scb->bufcnt == 0) { delete_timer (scb->async_state); add_file_handler (scb->fd, fd_event, scb); next_state = FD_SCHEDULED; } else next_state = scb->async_state; break; } if (serial_debug_p (scb)) { switch (next_state) { case FD_SCHEDULED: if (scb->async_state != FD_SCHEDULED) fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog, "[fd%d->fd-scheduled]\n", scb->fd); break; default: /* TIMER SCHEDULED */ if (scb->async_state == FD_SCHEDULED) fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog, "[fd%d->timer-scheduled]\n", scb->fd); break; } } scb->async_state = next_state; } } /* FD_EVENT: This is scheduled when the input FIFO is empty (and there is no pending error). As soon as data arrives, it is read into the input FIFO and the client notified. The client should then drain the FIFO using readchar(). If the FIFO isn't immediatly emptied, push_event() is used to nag the client until it is. */ static void fd_event (int error, void *context) { struct serial *scb = context; if (error != 0) { scb->bufcnt = SERIAL_ERROR; } else if (scb->bufcnt == 0) { /* Prime the input FIFO. The readchar() function is used to pull characters out of the buffer. See also generic_readchar(). */ int nr; do { nr = read (scb->fd, scb->buf, BUFSIZ); } while (nr == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (nr == 0) { scb->bufcnt = SERIAL_EOF; } else if (nr > 0) { scb->bufcnt = nr; scb->bufp = scb->buf; } else { scb->bufcnt = SERIAL_ERROR; } } scb->async_handler (scb, scb->async_context); reschedule (scb); } /* PUSH_EVENT: The input FIFO is non-empty (or there is a pending error). Nag the client until all the data has been read. In the case of errors, the client will need to close or de-async the device before naging stops. */ static void push_event (void *context) { struct serial *scb = context; scb->async_state = NOTHING_SCHEDULED; /* Timers are one-off */ scb->async_handler (scb, scb->async_context); /* re-schedule */ reschedule (scb); } /* Put the SERIAL device into/out-of ASYNC mode. */ void ser_mingw_async (struct serial *scb, int async_p) { if (async_p) { /* Force a re-schedule. */ scb->async_state = NOTHING_SCHEDULED; if (serial_debug_p (scb)) fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog, "[fd%d->asynchronous]\n", scb->fd); reschedule (scb); } else { if (serial_debug_p (scb)) fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog, "[fd%d->synchronous]\n", scb->fd); /* De-schedule whatever tasks are currently scheduled. */ switch (scb->async_state) { case FD_SCHEDULED: delete_file_handler (scb->fd); break; case NOTHING_SCHEDULED: break; default: /* TIMER SCHEDULED */ delete_timer (scb->async_state); break; } } } void ser_platform_tcp_init (struct serial_ops *ops) { ops->readchar = ser_mingw_readchar; ops->write = ser_mingw_write; ops->flush_output = ser_mingw_nop_flush_output; ops->flush_input = ser_mingw_flush_input; ops->send_break = ser_mingw_nop_send_break; ops->go_raw = ser_mingw_nop_raw; ops->get_tty_state = ser_mingw_nop_get_tty_state; ops->set_tty_state = ser_mingw_nop_set_tty_state; ops->print_tty_state = ser_mingw_nop_print_tty_state; ops->noflush_set_tty_state = ser_mingw_nop_noflush_set_tty_state; ops->setbaudrate = ser_mingw_nop_setbaudrate; ops->setstopbits = ser_mingw_nop_setstopbits; ops->drain_output = ser_mingw_nop_drain_output; ops->async = ser_mingw_async; }