========================================================================== ------------------ [incr Widgets] Incoming Widgets --------------------- ========================================================================== This directory contains mega-widgets which should be considered beta. We're looking for positive or negative feedback concerning their usefullness. Should enough of a positive response be felt, then the widget will be included in the [incr Widgets] distribution. Otherwise, they will find themseleves in the outgoing directory and later in /dev/null. Please see the source code to respond to the author of any mega-widgets found here. To place your "vote" for any new widget, please contact any [incr Widgets] administrator. Layout of the iwidgets4.0.1/incoming directory: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- src: contains the source code for the new widgets demos: contains scripts you can source to see the widgets in action doc: man pages (Note that a man page may not exist if the author did not submit one) NEW WIDGETS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- collapsablewidget: Contributed by Vince Darley buttoncage: Contributed by Mark Alston PROPOSED WIDGETS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following are proposed widgets as listed on SourceForge. If anyone has a desire to create one or more of these widgets, have at it! o - How about adding an optionbox widget for organizing optionmenus. This widget would be analogous to the checkbox and radiobox widgets. (SF ticket #471529) o - Could it be possible to enhance Scrolledhtml into a browser using the http package included with the tcl core? (SF ticket #426759) (Note from Chad - very cool idea - anyone interested in working on this? Check out the SF ticket for some pointers.)