# This file is a Tcl script to test out [incr Widgets] Radiobox class. # It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests with the following # notation for test case labels: # # 1.x - Construction/Destruction tests # 2.x - Configuration option tests # 3.x - Method tests # # Copyright (c) 1995 DSC Technologies Corporation # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # @(#) $Id: radiobox.test,v 1.4 2002/02/27 05:55:47 mgbacke Exp $ package require tcltest namespace import -force ::tcltest::* if [catch {package require Iwidgets 4.0}] { # Let's try modifying the auto_path. Note that the IWIDGETS_LIBRARY # env var is initialized in the Makefile when doing a 'make test'. # If sourcing this file independently, this variable must be set manually. if ![info exists env(IWIDGETS_LIBRARY)] { error "Unable to locate Iwidgets package. Set your IWIDGETS_LIBRARY\ environment\nvariable to the directory that contains iwidgets.tcl" } lappend auto_path $env(IWIDGETS_LIBRARY) package require Iwidgets 4.0 } if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} { source defs } wm geometry . {} raise . set c 1 set o 1 set m 1 # # Initial construction test # test Radiobox-1.$c {Radiobox construction} { iwidgets::Radiobox .rb -labeltext "Radiobox" pack .rb -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both -expand yes update } {} incr c # # Option tests which are successful. # test Radiobox-2.$o {configuration option} { llength [.rb configure] } {19} incr o test Radiobox-1.$c {Radiobox add method} { set ::radiocommand 0 .rb configure -command {set ::radiocommand 1} .rb add foo -text Foo .rb add bar -text Bar } {bar} update incr m test Radiobox-1.$m {Radiobox add test} { # # This is the 2nd part of the previous test # It was added (along with the modifications to the previous # test) to test for a bug that was fixed in version 1.8 of the # radiobox. -- Marty Backe 26 February 2002 # set ::radiocommand } {0} incr m foreach test { {-background #d9d9d9 #d9d9d9} {-borderwidth 4 4} {-borderwidth 2 2} {-cursor gumby gumby} {-foreground Green Green} {-foreground Black Black} {-labelmargin 5 5} {-labelpos w w} {-labelpos nw nw} {-labelpos n n} {-labelpos ne ne} {-labelpos e e} {-labelpos se se} {-labelpos s s} {-labelpos sw sw} {-labeltext Label Label} {-relief raised raised} {-relief sunken sunken}} { set option [lindex $test 0] test Radiobox-2.$o "configuration options, $option" { .rb configure $option [lindex $test 1] lindex [.rb configure $option] 4 } [lindex $test 2] update incr o } # # Method tests which are successful. # foreach test { {{.rb insert bar zoo -text Zoo} zoo} {{.rb index z*} 1} {{.rb select foo} {}} {{.rb get} foo} {{.rb delete end} {}} {{.rb deselect foo} {}} {{.rb get} {}} {{.rb index end} 1} {{.rb flash 1} {}} {{.rb buttonconfigure foo -text FOO} {}}} { set method [lindex [lindex $test 0] 1] test Radiobox-3.$m "object methods, $method" { list [catch {eval [lindex $test 0]} msg] $msg } [list 0 [lindex $test 1]] update incr m } # # Conclusion of constrcution/destruction tests # test Radiobox-1.$c {Radiobox destruction} { destroy .rb update } {} incr c test Radiobox-1.$c {Radiobox construction} { iwidgets::radiobox .rb pack .rb -padx 10 -pady 10 update } {} incr c test Radiobox-1.$c {Radiobox destruction} { destroy .rb update } {} incr c test Radiobox-1.$c {Radiobox destruction} { iwidgets::radiobox .rb pack .rb destroy .rb update } {} ::tcltest::cleanupTests exit