***************** * TiEmu * * Linux version * ***************** REQUIREMENTS ------------ - A UNIX computer (Intel x86 or PPC) and C compiler (gcc) - X11 (X Window System) - GTK+ 2.4 or 2.6 from - ticables, tifiles and ticalcs libraries from the TiLP project from INSTALLATION ------------ At first, you must have the ticables and ticalcs libraries installed. See the documentation of these libraries for the installation procedure. Untar the tiemu-X.XX.tar.gz archive (tar -xvzf), change directory to tiemu directory. Go the tiemu directory and type './configure' in order to be sure that all it is OK. If you want to use KDE file dialogs, run './configure --with-kde' instead. Next, type 'make' to make a binary for your machine. If the compile suceeds without any errors, you can type 'make install' to install the binary in /usr/local/bin. This will also copy some necessary files to /usr/local/share/tiemu and will install the manpage and the help. If you already have some TiEmu images, you will have to manually copy them to the /usr/locale/share/tiemu/images directory. USAGE ----- Type 'tiemu' for using it. TiEmu accepts some command line parameters. Do 'tiemu --help' or read the manpage by 'man tiemu'. AVAILABILITY ------------ http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tiemu/index.html COPYRIGHT --------- TiEmu is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by the TiEmu team Copying is allowed under the terms of GNU General Public License (LGPL). See the file COPYING for more details. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please report any bugs, questions, ... (please give us your platform, your calculator type (with ROM version) and your link cable model). The TiEmu team