#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Lightly modified man2html to make html equivs of tk/tcl man pages # probably a dead end soln since works on output after troff processing # Set the man path array to the paths to search... @manpath = ('/usr/share/man','/usr/gnu/man','/usr/local/man'); #@manpath = ('/s/usr/hops/src/ftp/tcl/tk3.4/docs'); # There has to be a blank line after this... #print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; if (!$ARGV[0]) { print "\n"; chop($os = `uname`); chop($ver = `uname -r`); print " $os $ver Manual Pages

$os $ver Manual Pages

Enter the name of the man page, optionally surrounded by parenthesis with the number. For example:

This converter is still in development. I intend to improve the handling of multiple matches, and add a interface to apropos (or man -k (or whatis...))

Brooks Cutter "; exit(0); } $_ = $ARGV[0]; $manpages[0] = $_; if ((/^-$/)) { $manpages[0] = $_; } elsif ((m!^/!)) { $manpages[0] = $_; #} elsif (($name, $sect) = /(\S+)\((\d.*)\)/) { # @manpages = &findman($name, $sect, @manpath); #} elsif (($name, $sect) = /(\S+)<(\d.*)>/) { # @manpages = &findman($name, $sect, @manpath); #} elsif (($name, $sect) = /(\S+)\[(\d.*)\]/) { # @manpages = &findman($name, $sect, @manpath); #} else { # @manpages = &findman($_, '', @manpath); } if (!scalar @manpages) { print "Sorry, I was unable to find a match for $_\n"; exit(0); } elsif (scalar @manpages > 1) { &which_manpage(@manpages); } else { if (!-e $manpages[0]) { die "man2html: Error, Can't locate file '$manpages[0]'\n"; } chop($type=`file -L $manpages[0]`); if ($type =~ /roff/i) { $manpages[0] = "nroff -man $manpages[0]|col -b|"; } elsif ($type =~ /text/i) { # #$manpages[0] = $manpages[0]; # ; # NOP (No Operation) $manpages[0] = "nroff -man $manpages[0]| col -b|"; } else { print " Man2HTML: An Error has occurred

Man2HTML: An Error has occurred

man2html found the following match for your query: $manpages[0]

When 'file -L $manpages[0]' was run (which should follow symbolic links) it returned the following value '$type'

"; if ($type =~ /link/i) { print " This problem appears to be that there is a symbolic link for a man page that is pointing to a file that doesn't exist.

"; } print " Please report this problem to someone who can do something about it. (Assuming you aren't that person...) If you don't know who that is, try emailing 'root' or 'postmaster'.

There was only one match for your query - and it can't currently be accessed. "; exit(0); #die "Unknown type '$type' for manpage '$manpages[0]'"; } &print_manpage($manpages[0]); } exit(0); sub findman { # Take a argument like 'ls' or 'vi(1)' or 'tip(1c)' and return # a list of one or more manpages. # Arguments 2- are the directories to search in local($lookfor) = shift(@_); local($section) = shift(@_); local($file, @files, @return, $return); local(%men,%man); die "lookfor($lookfor) is null\n" unless($lookfor); for (@_) { # I'm... too lazy... for... opendir()... too lazy for readdir()... # too lazy for closedir() ... I'm too lazy! if (!$section) { @files = `/bin/ls $_/*/$lookfor.* 2> /dev/null`; } else { # if the section is like '1b' then just search *1b # otherwise if '1' search *1* (to catch all sub-sections) # Reason for wildcards: ($_/*$section*/$lookfor.*) # (given $section = '2') # 1st: So it catches cat2 and man2 # 2nd: So it catches man2 and man2v # (This should make it compatiable with HP/UX's man2.Z - not tested) # 3rd: So it catches stat.2 and stat.2v # if (length($section) == 1) { @files = `/bin/ls $_/*$section*/$lookfor.* 2> /dev/null`; } else { local($section_num) = substr($section, 0, 1); # Just the number... @files = `/bin/ls $_/*$section_num*/$lookfor.* $_/*$section/$lookfor.* 2> /dev/null`; } } next if (!scalar @files); # This part checks the files that were found... for $file (@files) { chop($file); local(@dirs) = split(/\//,$file); local($fn) = pop(@dirs); local($catman) = pop(@dirs); local($dir) = join('/',@dirs); local($key) = "$dir/$fn"; next if ($man{$key}); # forces unique if (!$men{$key}) { $men{$key} = $catman; $man{$key} = $file; } else { # pre-formatted man pages always take precedence unless zero bytes... next if (($men{$key} =~ /^cat/i) && (!(-z $man{$key}))); $men{$key} = $catman; $man{$key} = $file; } } } return(values %man); } sub which_manpage { # Print a list of manpages... print " There were multiple matches for the argument '$ARGV[0]'. Below are the fully qualified pathnames of the matches, please click on the appropriate one.

\n"; return; } sub print_manpage { local($page) = @_; local($label, $before, $after, $begtag, $endtag, $blanks, $begtag2, $endtag2); local($pre); local($standard_indent) = 0; if ($page eq '-') { open(MAN, '-'); } elsif (index($page,'|') == length($page)) { # A Pipe local($eval) = 'open(MAN, "'.$page.'") || die "Can'."'t open pipe to '$page' for reading: ".'$!";'; eval($eval); die "Eval error line $. : '$eval' returned '$@' : $!\n"; } else { open(MAN, $page) || die "Can't open '$page' for reading: $!"; } while () { s/\|\|*[ ]*$//; # Delete trailing change bars if (/^\s*$/) { $blanks++; #if ($pre) { print "\n"; $pre = 0; } if (($. != 1) && ($blanks == 1)) { if (($pre) || ($section_pre)) { print "\n"; } else { print "

\n"; } } next; } #next if (!/^[A-Z]{2,}\(.*\).*/); if (//) { s/.//g; } # Escape & < and > s/&/\&/g; s//\>/g; # if (/^(\w+.*)\s*$/) { $label = $1; $next_action = ''; if (/^[A-Z ]{2,}\s*$/) { if (($pre) || ($section_pre)) { print "\n"; } $pre = $section_pre = $section_fmt = 0; if (!$standard_indent) { $next_action = 'check_indent'; } } if ($label eq 'NAME') { $begtag = ''; $endtag = ''; $begtag2 = '

'; $endtag2 = '

'; $next_action = 'check_indent'; next; } if ($label eq 'SYNOPSIS') { $section_fmt = 1; } if ($label eq 'SEE ALSO') { $next_action = 'create_links'; } if (($label =~ /OPTIONS$/) || ($label eq 'FILES')) { $section_pre = 1; print "\n"; # print "\n"; } elsif (/^[A-Z ]+\s*$/) { print "\n" if (($pre) || ($section_pre)); $section_pre = 0; } print "..$label..\n"; if (/^[-A-Z ]+\s*$/) { print "


\n"; $blanks = 0; print "
\n" if ($section_pre);
    if ($section_fmt) { print; $blanks = 0; next; }
    if ($next_action eq 'create_links') {
      # Parse see also looking for man page links.  Make it
      # call this program.  use '+' notation for spaces
      local($first) = 1;
      for $page (split(/,/)) {
        $page =~ tr/\x00-\x20//d; # Delete all control chars, spaces
        if ($page =~ /.+\(\d.*\).*$/) {
          $url_page = $page;
          $url_page =~ tr/()/[]/;
          print "," if (!$first);
          $first = 0;
          print "$page\n";
        } else {
          print "," if (!$first);
          $first = 0;
          print "$page";
    # This is to detect preformatted blocks.  I look at the first
    # line after header 'DESCRIPTION' and count the leading white
    # space as the "standard indent".  If I encounter a line with
    # a indent greater than the value of standard_indent then
    # surround it with 
if ($next_action eq 'check_indent') { if (/^(\s+)\S+.*/) { $standard_indent = length($1); $next_action = ''; } } # $before = length($_); $saved = $_; s/^[ ][ ]*//; # Delete leading whitespace $after = length($_); s/[ ][ ]*$//; # Delete trailing whitespace if ($begtag) { chop; print "$begtag$_$endtag\n"; print "$begtag2$_$endtag2\n" if ($begtag2); $blanks = 0; $begtag2 = $endtag2 = $begtag = $endtag = ''; next; } if ((!$section_fmt) && (!$section_pre) && ($standard_indent)) { if (($blanks == 1) && (!$pre) && ($after + $standard_indent) < $before) { $pre = 1; print "
      } elsif (($pre) && ($after + $standard_indent) >= $before) {
        $pre = 0;
        print "
\n"; } } if (($section_pre) || ($pre)) { print "$saved"; $blanks = 0; next; } # Handle word cont- # inuations if ($prefix) { print $prefix; $prefix = ''; } if (/^(.+)\s+(\w+)\-\s*$/) { $prefix = $2; print "$1\n"; $blanks = 0; next; } print; $blanks = 0; } close(MAN); } # EOF