How to build TiEmu for iPAQ H3970 ? First, the main site for Linux PDA support is . You will find all you need about the Familiar distribution and GPE (GTK). Cross-compilation is covered here: Some tips: We will use the easier method (and probably the best one): OpenEmbedded based GPE SDK. The latest one is available here: . Almost everything you need should be included in the archive, just unpack it to /. To cross-compile TiEmu and the TiLP framework, copy the script at the top of the source and run it. If this does'nt work, you can follow the guidelines above... To install connection: 1. modprobe usbnet 2. ifconfig usb0 up 3. ssh/scp To mount SD card: 1. edit /etc/modutils 2. Add into 'h3900_mmc': h3900_asic mmc_asic3 vfat 3. run update-modules 4. mount /dev/mmc/part1 /usr/local To build a GPE application, you need to do this: 1. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/arm/oe/arm-linux/lib/pkgconfig 2. export PATH=/usr/local/arm/oe/bin:$PATH 3. Change to the location of your source 4. Run ./configure --host=arm-linux --disable-nls Option: --prefix=/usr/local/arm/oe/arm-linux 5. Files are installed in /usr/local/arm/oe/arm-linux if you choose the option. 6. On the iPAQ, you must copy files with the same directory tree (aka /usr/local/arm/oe/arm-linux) To debug: 1. Get gdb source (the same version as arm-linux-gdb if possible, 6.2) 2. Go to gdb/gdbserver, run ./configure --host=arm-linux and do make 3. You will get a gdbserver executable targetted for ARM. You can strip it to reduce size. 4. Copy gdbserver executable onto the iPAQ (with scp). 5. Run 'gdbserver tiemu host:1234' 6. Run locally 'gdb ./tiemu' 7. Type in 'remote target ipaq:1234' 8. Type in 'continue' for running (bug: don't type run !) That's all ! --- Thanks to Andrew Seddon of Cambridge Signal Processing