This directory contains the stub object allowing you to easily make calls to TiEmu through the DCOP IPC interface. The files tiemu_stub.* have been generated from src/kde/dcop.h using dcopidl and dcopidl2cpp. In order to use TiEmu through DCOP: * compile and link tiemu_stub.cpp with your project * include "tiemu.h" into your C++ files which will be using TiEmu * create a TiEmuDCOP_stub object. The app parameter should be "tiemu_PID", where PID is the PID of a running TiEmu process (you can use DCOPClient::registeredApplications() to find it). The id parameter should be "TiEmuDCOP". * You can now call any function in the TiEmu DCOP interface through your TiEmuDCOP_stub object. For your convenience, sample code (dcoptest.cpp) is provided under the GPL. IMPORTANT: This is for *nix only. For Win32, please look at the OLE Automation interface, as defined in the oleautsdk directory.