/* Hey EMACS -*- linux-c -*- */ /* TiEmu - Tiemu Is an EMUlator * * Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Thomas Corvazier, Romain Lievin * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, Romain Lievin * Copyright (c) 2003, Julien Blache * Copyright (c) 2004, Romain Liévin * Copyright (c) 2005, Romain Liévin * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Kevin Kofler and Romain Liévin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "intl.h" #include "struct.h" #include "ti68k_def.h" #include "ti68k_int.h" #include "tie_error.h" #ifdef __WIN32__ #include "registry.h" #include "oleaut.h" #endif char* file_to_send = NULL; /* Display the program version */ int tiemu_version(void) { fprintf(stdout, "TiEmu 3 - Version %s\n", VERSION); fprintf(stdout, " (C) Romain Lievin & Thomas Corvazier 2000-2001\n"); fprintf(stdout, " (C) Romain Lievin 2001-2003\n"); fprintf(stdout, " (C) Julien Blache 2003\n"); fprintf(stdout, " (C) Romain Lievin 2004-2005\n"); fprintf(stdout, " (C) Romain Lievin & Kevin Kofler 2005-2007\n"); fprintf(stdout, " (C) Peter Fernandes 2007\n"); fprintf(stdout, _("THIS PROGRAM COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n")); fprintf(stdout, _("PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION FOR DETAILS\n")); return 0; } /* Display a short help */ int help(void) { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); tiemu_version(); fprintf(stdout, "usage: tiemu [-options] [image]\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "-h, --help display this information page and exit\n"); fprintf(stdout, "-v, --version display the version information and exit\n"); fprintf(stdout, "--import import ROM or TIB into repository without loading\n"); fprintf(stdout, "-rom= ROM dump to convert and load (compat)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "-tib= TIB or FLASH upgrade to convert and load (compat)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "-sav= state image to load (compat)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "-send= send specified file to TiEmu\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "filename can be ROM, TIB or SAV file to load\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); exit(0); return 0; } #define strexact(p1,p2) (!strcmp((p1),(p2))) /* Scan the command line, extract arguments and init variables */ int scan_cmdline(int argc, char **argv) { int cnt; char *p; char msg[80]; int import = 0; char *rom = NULL; char *tib = NULL; char *sav = NULL; char *fn = NULL; //for(cnt = 0; cnt < argc; cnt++) // fprintf(stdout, "%i: [%s]\n", cnt, argv[cnt]); /* Parses list of arguments */ for(cnt=1; cntlpVtbl->Release(tlb); exit(1); } else { tlb->lpVtbl->Release(tlb); fprintf(stdout, "TiEmu OLE Interface successfully registered."); exit(0); } } } if(!stricmp(p, "/UnregServer") || !stricmp(p, "-UnregServer") || !stricmp(p, "--UnregServer")) { if (UnregisterServer(&CLSID_TiEmuOLE, "TiEmu.TiEmuOLE", "TiEmu.TiEmuOLE.1") || UnRegisterTypeLib(&LIBID_TiEmuOLELib, 1, 0, 0, SYS_WIN32)) exit(1); else { fprintf(stdout, "TiEmu OLE Interface successfully unregistered."); exit(0); } } if(!stricmp(p, "/Embedding") || !stricmp(p, "-Embedding") || !stricmp(p, "--Embedding")) { // VB runs it with this option. continue; } #endif if(*p == '-') { // a long option (like --help) p++; } else { fn = g_strdup(p); // a filename //g_free(params.rom_file); //params.rom_file = g_strdup(p); } strcpy(msg, p); if(strexact(msg, "-import")) import = !0; if(strstr(msg, "rom=")) rom = g_strdup(msg + 4); if(strstr(msg, "tib=")) tib = g_strdup(msg + 4); if(strstr(msg, "sav=")) sav = g_strdup(msg + 4); if(strstr(msg, "send=")) file_to_send = g_strdup(msg + 5); if(strexact(msg, "-help") || strexact(msg, "h")) help(); if(strexact(msg, "-version") || strexact(msg, "v")) exit(0); } /* */ if(fn && ti68k_is_a_rom_file(fn)) rom = fn; else if(fn && ti68k_is_a_tib_file(fn)) tib = fn; else if(fn && ti68k_is_a_sav_file(fn)) sav = fn; /* And process them */ if(rom && ti68k_is_a_rom_file(rom)) { gchar *dstname; int err = ti68k_convert_rom_to_image(rom, inst_paths.img_dir, &dstname); if(err) { tiemu_err(err, NULL); exit(-1); } if(import) exit(0); g_free(params.rom_file); params.rom_file = dstname; g_free(params.sav_file); params.sav_file = g_strdup(""); } if(tib && ti68k_is_a_tib_file(tib)) { gchar *dstname; int err = ti68k_convert_tib_to_image(tib, inst_paths.img_dir, &dstname, -1); if(err) { tiemu_err(err, NULL); exit(-1); } if(import) exit(0); g_free(params.rom_file); params.rom_file = dstname; g_free(params.sav_file); params.sav_file = g_strdup(""); } if(sav && !fn) // for compatibility { g_free(params.sav_file); params.sav_file = g_strdup(sav); } if(sav && ti68k_is_a_sav_file(sav) && fn) { gchar *rf, *tf; ti68k_state_parse(sav, &rf, &tf); if(!ti68k_is_a_img_file(rf)) return 0; g_free(params.rom_file); params.rom_file = rf; g_free(params.tib_file); params.tib_file = tf; g_free(params.sav_file); params.sav_file = g_strdup(sav); } return 0; }