Here is an explanation of the sprites here, all are in 24-bit windows BMP format. Full Screen Sprites: -160x100 in size int_logo.bmp - Splash Screen/Boot Sprite menu_bg.bmp - Main Menu/Menu Background sprite Cursor Sprites: -8x8 in size cursor_down.bmp - Down Cursor cursor_left.bmp - Left Cursor cursor_right.bmp - Right Cursor cursor_up.bmp - Up Cursor Explosion Sprites: 32_explodeN.bmp where N = [1,8] - Explosion sprites of size 32x32 40_explodeN.bmp where N = [1,8] - Same as above, but for 40x40 size Ship Upgrade Sprites: -16x16 sprites shipN.bmp, where N goes from 1 to 5, the number explains the type of ship 1 - Monkey Raider 2 - Fork 3 - Tank 4 - Drill Winder 5 - Doom Master Weapon Upgrade Sprites: -16x16 sprites weaponN.bmp, where N goes from 1 to 5, the number explains the type of weapon 1 - Titanium Round 2 - Depleted Uranium Round 3 - Photon Blast Cannon 4 - Nano Gun 5 - Rail Gun Ammo Sprites: -8x8 sprites, located in top left part of sprite ammo1_titanium.bmp - Titanium Ammo ammo2_du.bmp - Depleted Uranium Ammo ammo3_photonblast.bmp - Photon Blast Ammo ammo4_nano.bmp - Nano Ammo ammo5_rail.bmp - Rail Ammo Armor Upgrade Sprites: -16x16 sprites armorN.bmp, where N goes from 1 to 5, the number explains the type of armor 1 - Titanium Skin 2 - Magnetic Skin 3 - DU Skin 4 - Diamond Skin 5 - Carbon 60 Skin Powerup Sprites: -16x16 in size gravity1.bmp - First sprite for Gravity Implosion Powerup gravity2.bmp - Second sprite for Gravity Implosion Powerup nuke.bmp - Nuke Powerup speed1.bmp - Speed Boost Powerup (Animation part 1/4) speed2.bmp - Speed Boost Powerup (Animation part 2/4) speed3.bmp - Speed Boost Powerup (Animation part 3/4) speed4.bmp - Speed Boost Powerup (Animation part 4/4) weapon_boost.bmp - Weapon Boost Powerup Player Ship Sprites: -24x24, can be rotated in own sprite without sprite clipping spaceship1.bmp - Monkey Raider spaceship2.bmp - Fork spaceship3.bmp - Tank spaceship4.bmp - Drill Winder spaceship5.bmp - Doom Master Ally Ship Sprites: -24x24 sprites, can be rotated within this 24x24 box without clipping loss! allyship1.bmp - Delta V allyship2.bmp - Flying Box allyship3.bmp - Flamer Enemy Ship Sprites: -24x24, can be rotated within their sprite without clipping loss badship1.bmp - Boomerang badship2.bmp - The Bomb badship3.bmp - Stinger badship4.bmp - R 73 badship5.bmp - X Blaster badship6.bmp - Jumper Boss Ship Sprites: -32x32, can be rotated within their sprite without clipping loss boss1.bmp - Bumble Bee boss2.bmp - The Key boss3.bmp - Hornet boss4.bmp - Mac